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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Google Analytics Questions

Updated: Introduction to Google Analytics:

• what Google Analytics can do for your business or website
• how Google Analytics works
• how often your data is updated and how Google stores it
• how to set your Data Sharing preferences

Interface Navigation:
Interface Navigation

• how to set date ranges and comparison date ranges
• how to graph data by day, week, and month
• how to compare multiple metrics on graphs
• about the user interface options for exporting data
• how to email reports to others
• how to navigate between report detail levels
• how to use the report views
• how to quickly segment and sort data in reports

Updated: Installing the Google Analytics Tracking Code:
Installing the Google Analytics Tracking Code

• how to create a new account
• where to place the Google Analytics Tracking Code
• about website setups that require customization
• how to verify installation

Interpreting Reports


• best practices for analyzing data
• how to analyze data trends
• how to use the data visualizations in Google Analytics

Pageviews, Visits, and Visitors:
Pageviews, Visits, and Visitors

• where to find Pageviews, Visits, and Visitors metrics
• how Pageviews, Visits, and Visitors are calculated
• the difference between Pageviews and Unique Pageviews
• the difference between Absolute Unique Visitors and New vs. Returning Visitors

Time Metrics:
Time Metrics

• how Time on Page and Time on Site are calculated
• how Avg. Time on Page and Avg. Time on Site are calculated
• about the Length of Visit report

Traffic Sources:
Traffic Sources

• about the different kinds of traffic sources
• how to identify quality traffic
• how to identify revenue and conversion drivers
• what kinds of information to look for in keyword reports
• how campaign attribution works in Google Analytics

Content Reports:
Content Reports

• how to use and interpret the Top Content, Content by Title, and Content Drilldown reports
• how to use the Top Landing Pages report
• how to use and interpret the Navigation Summary report
• how to use and interpret the Entrance Paths report


Profiles in Google Analytics:
Accounts and Profiles

• how to create, manage, and delete accounts
• best practices for managing accounts
• when to create profiles
• how to create, manage, and delete profiles

Updated: Campaign Tracking and AdWords Integration:
Campaign Tracking and AdWords Integration

• how to track campaigns using tagged links
• how to track AdWords campaigns
• when to use autotagging and how it works
• how to enable autotagging
• where to find AdWords data in your reports
• the expected kinds of data discrepancies between AdWords and Analytics data
• when and how to manually tag URLs
• how to use the URL Builder
• best practices for tagging links

Updated: Analysis Focus - AdWords:
Understanding AdWords Reports

• how to use the Clicks tab metrics in AdWords reports
• how to analyze the effect of search result position on performance
• how to track audio and TV campaigns in AdWords
• how to track ad performance

Goals in Google Analytics:
Goals and Funnels

• the purpose of using goals, goal values, and funnels
• when to use each Goal URL Match Type
• how to assign meaningful values to goals
• how goal conversions differ from transactions
• how filters can affect goals
• where to find goal and funnel information in reports

Analysis Focus - Funnel Visualization:
Funnel Visualization

• how to use and interpret the Funnel Visualization report

Filters in Google Analytics:
Google Analytics Filters

• when to apply filters in Google Analytics
• how filters act on data
• how to create custom filters
• the differences between the different kinds of filters (i.e. exclude, include, etc)
• how to filter Google AdWords traffic
• how to use filters and profiles together to track certain kinds of traffic
• best practices for using filters

Regex and Google Analytics:

• when to use regular expressions in Google Analytics
• how to use the most common metacharacters: dot, backslash, etc.
• some examples of common regular expressions in Google Analytics

Cookies and Google Analytics:
Cookies and Google Analytics

• how Google Analytics uses cookies
• the differences between persistent and temporary cookies
• the differences between first party and third party cookies
• the names of the Google Analytics cookies and the information they track

Updated: E-commerce Tracking:
Ecommerce Tracking

• where to find ecommerce metrics in reports
• how to enable and track ecommerce

Analysis Focus - Revenue Metrics:
Revenue Metrics

• the differences between goal value and e-commerce revenue
• how $Index is calculated and how to use it

Updated: Domains and Subdomains:
Tracking Domains and Subdomains

• when to track across domains using the _link() method
• when to track across domains using the _linkByPost() method
• how to track across subdomains
• best practices for tracking across subdomains
• how to track across multiple domains with subdomains

In-Depth Analysis

Custom Reporting:
Custom Reporting

• how to create, save, and edit a custom report

Advanced Segmentation:
Advanced Segments

• how Advanced Segments differ from filtered profiles
• to apply an Advanced Segment to your reports
• how to create and modify an Advanced Segment

Motion Charts:
Motion Charts

• how to read Motion Charts
• how to create and save a Motion Chart

Internal Site Search:
Internal Site Search

• how to set up internal site search
• why internal site search is important
• how to find site search information in your reports
• how to interpret the Site Search Usage, Terms, Start Pages, and Destination Pages reports
• how to use Search Refinement and Search Navigation options with the Search Terms report
• how to set up and analyze Site Search Categories
• how to find Site Search Trending
• how Site Search metrics differ from the metrics in other reports

Updated: Event Tracking and Virtual Pageviews:
Event Tracking and Virtual Pageviews

• when to use virtual pageviews versus event tracking
• how to generate a virtual pageview
• how to track an event using _trackEvent()
• the relationship between Categories, Actions, Labels, and Values
• the difference between Total Events and Unique Events
• best practices for setting up Event Tracking

Updated: Additional Customizations:
Additional Customizations

• how to change session timeout value
• how to change campaign expiration
• how to change campaign precedence
• how to add a search engine
• how to treat certain keywords as direct
• how to treat certain referring sites as direct


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